Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Increases Technique in Knitting

Been so into knitting lately, it most probably encourage by all the new stuff i discover lately. Learning so many new knitting technique. And again yesterday, i heard of new thing, "knit front and back (KFB)" and "increase with simple cast on (CO)"
Spending my whole morning searching through youtube on what exactly these 2 terms meant & how to create one.

All this while I only know the knitting increasing technique called "Make One (M1)" which I had used before during the making of the baltic labyrinth.
And it makes me wonder what make all these 3 techniques different from each other.

So I "yahoo" it and found one great blog that explained so detailed even with supporting picture on the difference between KFB & M1. Hopefully it will be useful to u too.
Here is the link M1 vs KFB (courtesy of Cabin Fever).

There is another link that provide more clearer picture & info on the increasing technique in knitting; Knitting Help - Increases. A lot of another great info on knitting also provided by this web, so go have a look.


  1. I'm so glad that tutorial helped you out. It's a pleasure to read about your enthusiam for knitting.

  2. I'm so glad that I came across your blog too Deb. It really helps me understand better and learning new thing really is interesting. Looking forward for another useful knitting technique tutorial to improve my knitting.


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