Saturday, September 24, 2011

How was it started...

talking about this knit & crochet i have for awhile, cos honestly never come across into my mind that I will be so drown in it now.

my very own knit/crochet shop

It all started from the old time fantasy, being able to knit a piece of top for myself just like what I always seen in TV. I was lucky enough to have a housemate during my college time in year 2002, who actually know the basic knowledge of knitting. So there goes the encouragement to get myself a pair of knitting needle & cheap yarn.
I was taught on how to cast on & knit, managed to finally done it for few row, then it just stop right there.
That pair of needle and half way done project was then kept back in the drawer since then.

A year later after that, during my working time as a shop supervisor in one of the shopping mall located in Subang Parade, Malaysia, I came across this one shop Lily Handcraft, where I saw lotsa people was sitting & seems to have so much fun with their yarn & needle. That attraction which dragged me wanted to try it again and this time with the help for the professional. Honestly, the fire of learning to knit not last very long, it was kinda on and off mood, but i managed to knit a simple cardigan for myself, so I actually was quite satisfied then. And again it just STOP right there after that, with a bunch of needle have been collected & just put aside, not to forget some work in progress too.

Very much later after that, exactly on 2009, after I returned back to Indonesia, I found that there is a book of baby crochet by local designer sold in the store. Thinking that I have the crochet hook, had encourage me to buy the book, but the whole learning process actually started on April 2010, during the pregnancy of my little girl. Learning alone from the book and YouTube, was how I started with crochet with the thought of making something for my baby girl will be very cool.

And thanks to the social network like Facebook too, I actually managed to get to know lots of fellow crocheter & knitter around my country and even from around the world, and by looking at their posted finished object, it was like pouring gas to the fire, giving me the spirit to crochet and even to take out my long-kept knitting tools to start all over again.

My days now are hard to pass without yarn and needle, and it's a definite useful creativity for time killing yet it help you to stay productive, and everyday is a definite learning process, when it comes to sharpen the skill you have. I never been so excited and committed like this before as I recall through my whole life, but when come to yarn & needle, it give me the adrenalin rush each day. 

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