Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Successful - Hectic Day in my kitchen

01 April 2011, had been a quite hectic day for me.. been rushing here & there to get some stuff done and still need to come home dealing with kitchen stuff.
Was actually considering not to bake anything at first since i'm just so tired after the outing, but then i found out the 9 eggs given by my mom in laws about to spoil, whereby actually 3 eggs already spoil & caused my cupboard having the rotten smell :(

So was given with no choice but to right away settle those eggs to avoid it being wasted again and since i was going to have some praying at the cemetery with my hubby family on the next day so i decided to bake something out of it.

I considered myself having a great success in the kitchen that day, with a few hours time only, I actually managed to steam & bake 2 different recipe, surprisingly... 
So I started with steaming the Pandan Chocolate Cake, which i meant to bring for the praying the next day. 

making dough process

Ready to be put in steamer
I only managed to capture the cake dough cos i was kinda having my mind into places, thinking on how to get the whole 9eggs settled before it spoil, so i didn't manage to capture the cake final picture :p

For the rest of the egg, I used it in the cheese cake recipe, which actually suppose to be a chiffon cake recipe. However since the egg was actually having 2yolks in each of it, i found it kinda difficult to get the white & yolk separated as what the recipe told me to do.
Out of my desperation in separating the white & yolk, i ended up to throw in the whole egg in to the mixer and make some changes with the recipe, as well as finger-crossing hoping the cake turn out to be great in taste & texture.

adding some cake emulsifier & grated cheese in to the dough, ready to be baked in the oven

the cake rise very well, praying the cake will turn to be successfully baked

Finally, jumping with excitement, the cake was actually was so soft & great in taste and surprisingly the changes made with the recipe turned out to be successful..hooray (^^,)Y

ike's very own baked cheese cake recipe ^^

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