Friday, April 8, 2011

Learning new stuff always fun

Yup... it's always been fun & exciting when I got to learn something new each day.
This time is about learning how to knit with double pointed needles (DPN). It's true that we just will never know how hard something can be till we take the time to try it. 
I always have the thought that using DPN will be the hardest part in knitting as we have to deal with few needles in one time.

Knitting hat with DPN

I definitely proof myself to be wrong, as I finally decided to give it a try since I'm planning to knit a hat for my newborn nephew.
It's all started by the circular needle turned out to be too big for such a small project.. so there it goes my knitting journey with DPN & i'm absolutely happy with the outcome since i designed the hat pattern by myself.

Knitted Baby Hat
The hat turns out to look like a cupcake, rite... which gives me an idea to knit another 1 and really gonna make it cupcake look alike ^^

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